
Showing posts from September, 2015


Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, I see you doubled again!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,我又看到两个你了!” Emma: ‘What? Is it possible I have  two copies?!’  Emma:“什么?怎么可能会有两个我?!” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, why is your face full of question marks?’ Emma:“大笨猫,为什么你满脸问号?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, are you actually standing or sitting? 大笨猫:“Emma,你这到底是站着还是坐着呢?” Emma: ‘It’s none of your business!!!’ Emma:“不要你管!!!”


As the weather got warm, Emma needed more tidy-up to remove the falling hairs. 天热后,Emma也要梳理下,清理下脱掉的毛。 Emma is a short-haired cat, but there are a lot of hairs for only one time. 虽然Emma是短毛猫,但一次也有这么多!  Emma’s new hair-style~ Emma的新发型~ It can be used for sun-proof~ 看起来可以遮阳哦~    Emma: ‘What Are You Doing!!!’ Emma:“你在干什么!!!”

I am Emma 06 Cat Litter Requested! / 我是Emma 06 要用猫砂!



Bread Rat( ) wouldn’t be brave enough to do so unless Emma was sleeping. Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, your Bread Rat are going to rebel!’ Emma: ‘Zzzzzzzzzz…’ 面包鼠( )也只有等Emma睡着了才敢这么做! 大笨猫:“Emma,你的面包鼠造反了!” Emma:“Zzzzzzzzz…” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘It seems not comfortable for you!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你看起来不太舒服!” Emma; ‘Seemingly…I…I am clamped by something!’ Emma:“我好像...好像被什么东西夹住了!” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“……” Emma: ‘Hello, Big Clumsy Cat.’ Emma:“你好,大笨猫。” Emma: ‘Hello, Big Clumsy Cat!’ Emma:“你好,大笨猫!”  Emma: ‘What’s this?!!!’ Emma:“咦?什么东西?!!!” Emma; ‘A piece of tooth?!’ Emma:“一颗牙齿?!”  This is the baby tooth from Emma. I found on the sofa. Emma has grown up a little more! 这是Emma换的牙,我在沙发上找到的,Emma又长大了!

Daily 15 Emma & Bread Rat / 日常 15 Emma & 面包鼠

After Jingle Rat retired, a new mouse had been DIY. The reason why it is so called ‘Bread Rat’ is that the colors look like those of bread, the shape is as fat as a bread, and Emma used to bite it as bread~ Emma seems to like it too! The affection of love sealed in it would not be wasted. 日常 15 Emma & 面包鼠 叮当鼠退役后,DIY了一个面包鼠,之所以叫“面包鼠”,是因为颜色像面包,胖乎乎的像面包,Emma啃起来继续像面包~Emma还是很喜欢的哈!没有枉费爱的心意!


Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, why do you incline to the right?’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你的身体怎么往右偏?” Emma: ‘Didn’t you see the bed on the right?’ Emma:“没看到床在右边嘛!”  Emma: ‘Look, I’m straight now!’ Emma:“看,我现在不偏了!”  Emma: ‘Why do you only take photo for my head?!’ Emma:“为什么你只拍我的脑袋?!”  Emma: ‘Well, sleep is more important.’ Emma:“算了,睡觉是大事!”

Daily 14 Emma beside the windowsill / 日常 14 窗台边的Emma

There is a large windowsill beside the window. The space is large enough for Emma, and there is some curtain above it. After Emma jumped inside to observe it, she will move her head out of the curtain to detect what’s going on curiously if some strange sound had been heard. Emma would be most curious once Jingle Rat had been shaken. Sometimes she will jump from the windowsill to the bed straight away to catch Jingle Rat. The camera is placed on the floor and the direction of view is from the lower position to record the cute small head of Emma at the higher place. 日常 14 窗台边的Emma 窗户上有个比较大的窗台,对于Emma来说是够大的,上面有窗帘,Emma跳进去观景后,有点声音,Emma就很好奇的从帘子下面探出小脑袋看看怎么回事!这时候摇一摇叮当鼠,Emma最好奇了,有时候看到叮当鼠就直接从窗台跳到床上去抓叮当鼠去了!摄像机放在了地板上,从下往上的视角,记录下Emma可爱的小脑袋~