After Emma has grown up, her body gets stronger. The accuracy and speed of hunting by her is always excellent. Comparing with little Emma recorded with high-speed photography laster year, it seems she has improved a little bit and she is not stronger as she looks like but fatter. Haha, maybe I will consider how to control her body weight. The later half part of the film was taken with high-speed photography in 2015, in which you can see Emma’s speed and accuracy. She had even performed a very difficult flip! Please watch it! Emma长大后,身体也健壮了许多,其捕猎的速度和准度依然很好。但在高速摄影下和去年的小Emma对比后,感觉还是稍有退步,看起来不是健壮了,而是胖了,哈哈,我或许考虑要给Emma减肥啦~ 影片的后半段是2015年的一组Emma的高速摄影,可以看到Emma的速度和准度,她甚至还完成了高难度的空翻,请欣赏啦!