Daily 40 The Last Performance of Chair / 日常 40 椅子最后的演出
Since Emma chose my chair as her new playground (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaLNUsfFmlw) , the lifetime of my chair was shortened very much. It is not surprising because the chair is designed for human but not for cats. At last I decided to change my chair. Of course, before it happened, Emma could still play with it until she was satisfied, as the last performance of the chair. 自从Emma把我的椅子当作她新的玩乐之地后 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaLNUsfFmlw) ,我椅子的寿命就大大折扣了,也难怪,毕竟设计者的初衷是给人类用的,并不是给猫儿们,所以我决定换新的椅子。当然,在这之前,Emma还是可以继续尽兴的玩,也算是椅子最后的演出啦!