
Showing posts from October, 2019

Bad News – Facebook Review / Facebook的审核

Sorry, my friends, Facebook is reviewing my account, which prevents me from logging in and can’t update Emma’s homepage. I hope that Facebook will complete the review as soon as possible, and I will restart the update of Emma’s homepage. 对不起,我的朋友们,Facebook正在审核我的账户,导致我无法登陆,也无法更新Emma的主页。我期盼Facebook能尽快完成审核,届时,我将重新开始更新Emma的主页。 On October 30th, Facebook notified that I need to review my account. On October 31st, my account was deactivated. What a terrible Halloween! I submitted my ID on request, but I have not received a reply. I will wait for a week. If I still can’t log in to Facebook after one week, I will continue to publish Emma’s daily photos on Instagram. Please pay attention to Emma’s Instagram ( ). Emma has its own website and can contact us there ( ) . Because I can’t contact any Emma fans on Facebook, if you can, please help me tell other Emma fans, thank you. 10月30日,Facebook通知我需要审查我的帐户。 10月31日,我的帐户被停用。 多么可怕...

Photo – No Peeping / 不可以偷窥

Emma: ‘No one bothered, I can quietly clean the fur.’ Emma:“没有人打扰,可以安静的清理皮毛。” Emma: ‘Wait a minute. I seem to see something.’ Emma:“等一下,我好像看到了什么。” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, are you there?’ Emma:“大笨猫,是你吗?” Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Yes, I am.’ Emma: ‘…’ 大笨猫:“是我。” Emma: “……” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat! No peeping! Go away!’ Emma:“大笨猫!不可以偷窥!走开!”

Daily 67 Ribbon Through The Gap / 日常 67 穿过缝隙的丝带

Ribbon is one of the favorite toy of Emma. I slowed pull the ribbon through the gap under the table. At the start, Emma did not noticed it, but she found it very soon. With her curiosity she wanted to pull it out, so she dragged it powerfully with her mouth, and I was at the other end, it’s like tug of war. For a short negligence, the ribbon slide out of her mouth to escape. Press on it and catch it again, as another round in tug of war. 丝带是Emma喜欢玩的玩具之一。我将丝带从桌子下的缝隙慢慢穿过去,一开始,Emma并没有注意,但很快她就发现了。好奇之余想把它扯出来,用嘴使劲的往外拽,而我在另一端,我和她就像在拔河。一时疏忽,丝带从口中花落,想要逃走,按住它,再次抓到了丝带,又来一场拔河比赛。