
Showing posts from November, 2019

Photo – Not Suitable For Cultivating Flowers / 不适合养花

Emma: ‘I have a balcony and three potted flowers.’ Emma:“我有一个阳台,养了三盆花。” Emma: ‘Today, I’m going to look after the flowers.’ Emma:“今天,我去照顾花。” Emma: ‘Ah! The potted flower in the middle died for lacking water…’ Emma:“哎呀!中间这盆花缺水死掉了……” Emma: ‘The status of the potted flower over there is also worrying.’ Emma:“远处那盆花情况也堪忧。” Emma: ‘I need to check this potted flower carefully.’ Emma:“这一盆花我需要仔细看一看。” Emma: ‘OMG! They have all died!’ Emma:“哦天哪!它们都死掉了!” Emma: ‘It suggests I’m not suitable for looking after flowers. Let Big Clumsy Cat deal with this kind of matters.’ Emma:“看起来我不适合养花,这种事情以后还是交给大笨猫处理吧。”