
Showing posts from December, 2019

Photo – Guard This Room / 守护房间

Emma: ‘Today, I gonna safeguard this room and forbid anyone to access.’ Emma:“今天,我要守护这间房间,不让任何人进入。” Emma: ‘I will stand beside the door and keep alert.’ Emma:“我会站在门旁边,保持警惕。” Emma: ‘Oh! Here is Big Clumsy Cat!’ Emma:“哦!是大笨猫!” Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, you can’t enter this room.’ Emma:“大笨猫,不得进入这个房间。” Emma: ‘Look at my eye, no entry.’ Emma:“看我的眼睛,不得进入。” Emma: ‘Well, you won’t listen to me, and I have to switch to attack mode.’ Emma:“好吧,你不听劝告,我只能进入进攻模式了。” Emma: ‘Look at my mouth.’ Emma:“看我的嘴。” Emma: ‘Bite you!!!’ Emma:“咬你!!!” Emma: ‘Wow, he ran away really fast!’ Emma:“哇哦,他跑的真快!”

Daily 68 Emma and Chew Stick / 日常 68 Emma与磨牙棒

Chew stick contains catnip, which is irresistible for Emma. She purred ‘meow-meow’ as she could not wait to get it. After she get it, she bit it with a lot of power while enjoying the happiness resulted from catnip, so I wanted to try it too. 磨牙棒含有猫薄荷,Emma是无法抗拒的,她“喵喵”的叫,想让我快点给她。她拿到后,咬得很带劲,享受着猫薄荷所带来的喜悦,弄得我也想咬一咬。