Daily 41 Emma’s New Toy, FroliCat FLIK / 日常 41 Emma的新玩具FroliCat FLIK
FroliCat FLIK is an automatic teaser that throws then hides a string to entice your cat to play. I recorded the first time Emma saw it. Her curiosity drove Emma running towards it, but the sounds of the toy might make her nervous. Emma was a little frightened and kept a safe distance to observe it for a few minutes before she tried to touch it very carefully. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of trying, she felt the thing was still dangerous and nearly sprang up for the terror several times. She decided it was better for her to keep away from it. At the end, Emma ran away. After a long period, Emma was still nervous about her new toy, and it was abandoned at a corner of the room. It had make me, Big Clumsy Cat, wasted a lot of money, T_T
FroliCat FLIK是一台可以将逗猫绳弹出去的自动逗猫器。我记录下Emma第一次见到它时的情景,好奇心促使Emma跑了过来,但玩具的响声可能让Emma不安,她有些害怕,在安全距离外观察了好几分钟后,才小心翼翼地尝试着接触这个新奇的玩意。可惜,经历了几分钟的试探,感觉这个东西还是蛮危险的,有几次吓得差点蹦起来,还是离它远一些为好。最后,Emma跑开了。在经过了一段时间后,Emma对她的新玩具依然怀有戒心,这个新玩具也已经被遗弃在房间的某个角落里去了,让大笨猫我浪费了好多钱,呜呜呜呜……
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