
Showing posts from August, 2015


Emma would occupy my office chair to sleep for a while. Usually I would give it to her, but sometimes I had to wake her up with the feeling of sorry, and then move her to another place.  Emma会霸占我的电脑椅来小息,大多数情况我都让给她了,但有时候也不忍的吵醒她,让她挪个地方啦。 Emma could also sleep very well. Emma睡得也是很香的。  As for pose…whereas it’s still very cut! 姿势嘛......虽然也是很可爱的! For those cuter poses of higher difficulties, they can only be displayed on the large bed~ 对于高难度的可爱睡姿,也只能在大床上展示啦~

Daily 13 Emma is Kneading / 日常 13 Emma踩奶

The looking of kneading by Emma is very satisfied,  with the voice of GULU GULU. While kneading she would fall into asleep. Would she dream about mother? 日常 13 Emma踩奶 Emma踩奶的样子很是满足,咕噜咕噜的,一般踩着踩着就进入梦乡了,是不是会梦到妈妈呢?


When she thinks of cat-life on the windowsill, she is very alert for the noise in the room. Turn her head around to check it. Emma在窗台思考喵生的时候,屋里有什么动静,她都十分警觉,回头来查看一下。 There are curtains on the windowsill. Emma moved her head out and watched curiously. 窗台有帘子,Emma探着小脑袋,好奇的看着。 Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat,  it’s you actually!’ Emma:“大笨猫,原来是你!” Emma: ‘Do not make noise, I’m thinking of cat-life!’ Emma:“不要出声音,我正在思考喵生!” I collected Jingle Rat and preserved it after it’s retirement, but Emma still feel attached to it, so she went to find Jingle rat by herself. 叮当鼠退役后,我将它收了起来,但Emma对它依然恋恋不舍,自己就去找叮当鼠玩去了。 Sorry Emma’s body was not long enough, HAHA! But she had become much longer since the day she arrived home. Emma had grown up! 可惜Emma身体还不够长,哈哈!不过真比刚到家的那一天长了许多,Emma长大了!

Daily 12 How Emma to Enjoy Herself / 日常 12 Emma自娱自乐

Within one day, Emma is not always able to find Big Clumsy Cat to play with her, so she find out how to enjoy herself. It seems that Emma had the imagination of a prey, then she rushed to it, chased it and overcome it, HAHA! 日常 12 Emma自娱自乐 一天的时间里,Emma不是总能找到大笨猫陪她玩的,所以自己发明了自娱自乐。感觉Emma在幻想着什么猎物,扑过去,追逐它,消灭它,哈哈!

Daily 11 Emma & Imp under Blanket / 日常 11 Emma与被子下的小精灵

Emma reacts differently to each strange new thing, especially on her jump. Maybe Emma didn’t know what under the blanket is the paw of her ‘Big Clumsy Cat’, so she jumped several times with four legs or with straight body. Of course, the prey should be bite heavily once it got caught. Fortunately the blanket was thick enough. 日常 11 Emma与被子下的小精灵 Emma对每一种新奇事物的反应都不一样,特别在她的跳跃上。Emma或许并不知道在­被子下的是“大笨猫”的爪子,一会四脚跳一会直立跳的,当然,逮到猎物就是使劲的啃,­幸好被子蛮厚的。

Daily 10 Emma & Screaming Rat / 日常 10 Emma与尖叫鼠

Jingle Rat retired. A new prey had been brought to Emma, Screaming Rat. It can scream when being touched with some force. Emma seemed to like it, but it was made of  tough material which was too hard, so Emma couldn’t grind her teeth by it. 日常 10 Emma与尖叫鼠 叮当鼠退役了,给Emma一个新的猎物,尖叫鼠,带有触动声响模式,Emma看起来也很喜欢,只可惜本体材质不好,太硬,Emma不能用来练牙口了。


The Summer is coming. As the weather got hotter and hotter, Emma often got rest on the floor right way.  It’s cool~ 夏天来了,天热起来后,Emma有时候直接趴在地上小息了,凉快嘛~ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, I see you doubled!’  大笨猫:“Emma,我看到两个你唉!” Emma: ‘What! I am the ONE!’  Emma:“什么!我是独一无二的!”  When I needed some warmth, Emma had jumped onto my legs to nap! Emma:  ‘This is just for compromise, you should not be to satisfied with yourself!’ 寻找温暖的时候,Emma就跳到我的腿上来小息了! Emma:“我也将就将就而已,你不要太沾沾自喜!”  The anti-sliding mat is the place for Emma to nap too! 地板上的防滑垫也是Emma随时小息的地方。 Emma: ‘Why can I always see you during sleeping?’ Emma:“为什么我睡觉的时候,总是看到你!”  Emma: ‘Do NOT disturb my sleep!!!’  Emma:“不要打扰我睡觉!!!”


There  is a windowsill. Since Emma discovered it, she often jumped onto it to watch the scenery outside. Sometimes she felt anxious for the birds flying past her, but she couldn’t get out from the high floor  of the building, so she could only stare at them. 窗户前有个窗台,自从Emma发现后,经常跳上去观赏户外的景色,有时候对飞过的小鸟很是捉急,碍于无法出去且又是高楼,只能干瞪眼! Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, there are stings on it!’ Emma:  ‘Ouch!!!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,那个有刺!” Emma:“哎呦!!!”  Emma: ‘Big Clumsy Cat, what are you looking at?’  Emma:“大笨猫,你在看什么?”  Emma: ‘Hey! Isn’t that me~!’   Emma:“嘿!这不是我嘛~!”  Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, you have fallen into asleep again!’  大笨猫:“Emma,你又睡了”! Big Clumsy Cat:  ‘Emma, what’s this sleeping pose?!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你这是什么睡姿?!” 


Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Emma, how did get into there, come out!’ 大笨猫:“Emma,你怎么进去的,出来!” Emma: ‘It’s very warm here~’ Big Clumsy Cat: ‘There is no signal for WiFi! Emma, don’t lean on the Router!’ Emma:“这里很暖和~” 大笨猫:“WiFi怎么没信号了!Emma,不要趴在路由器上!”  Emma: ‘Is it OK to have a nap here?’   Big Clumsy Cat: ‘This is my office for work.’ Emma:“这里小息没有问题吧。” 大笨猫:“这是我办公的地方。” Emma: ‘When did the place become yours? They belong to me for sure!’  Big Clumsy Cat: ‘Well, well, they are all yours!’ Emma:“什么时候这里是你的地方了?明明都是我的!” 大笨猫:“嗯嗯,都是你的!”  Emma: ‘You are forgiven. Change to another place for sleep.’ Big Clumsy Cat:  ‘…’ Emma:“我就原谅你了,换个地方睡觉好啦。” 大笨猫:“……”。